
Clama A MI | Stanislao Marino Lyrics, Meaning & Videos

Clama A MI
Stanislao Marino Lyrics

Jump to: Overall Meaning ↴  Line by Line Meaning ↴Cuando clamo a ti Jehová mi vida se renueva
Cuando clamo a ti Jehová me ciento como nuevo
Cuando clamo a ti Jehová mi corazón
Se llena de la paz y la seguridad que solo tu puedes dar
Cuando clamo a ti Jehová se disipan las penas
Cuando clamo a ti Jehová no me turba el problema
Cuando clamo a ti Jehová me muestras cosas grandes,
Cosas grandes que jamas había visto yo

Clama a mi que yo, que yo te responderé
Clama a mi que yo, que yo te responderé...

Overall Meaning

The lyrics in Stanislao Marino's song Clama a Mi express the idea of how calling upon Jehovah brings renewal, peace, and assurance to one's life. The singer speaks of the power of calling upon God and how it fills him with a sense of restoration and hope. The lyrics reflect a deep faith in God and the belief that He is the ultimate source of comfort and support in difficult times.

The song emphasizes the different ways in which calling upon Jehovah brings positive change to one's life. It points to a renewed strength and ability to face challenges and overcome obstacles. The song also highlights the role faith plays in accessing God's blessings and the ability to see wonderful things that were once hidden or unseen.

Line by Line Meaning

Cuando clamo a ti Jehová mi vida se renueva
When I call out to you, Jehovah, my life is refreshed.

Cuando clamo a ti Jehová me siento como nuevo
When I call out to you, Jehovah, I feel brand new.

Cuando clamo a ti Jehová mi corazón
When I call out to you, Jehovah, my heart is full of...

Se llena de la paz y la seguridad que solo tu puedes dar
...peace and security that only you can give.

Cuando clamo a ti Jehová se disipan las penas
When I call out to you, Jehovah, my sorrows fade away.

Cuando clamo a ti Jehová no me turba el problema
When I call out to you, Jehovah, my problems no longer disturb me.

Cuando clamo a ti Jehová me muestras cosas grandes,
When I call out to you, Jehovah, you reveal to me great things...

Cosas grandes que jamas había visto yo
...things that I have never seen before.

Clama a mi que yo, que yo te responderé
Call out to me, and I will answer you.

Clama a mi que yo, que yo te responderé...
...Call out to me, and I will answer you...

Contributed by Grayson I. Suggest a correction in the comments below.

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Sebrina Pilcher

Update: 2024-05-03